User-Defined Graphs

User-defined graphs are created from existing PetroVR graphs, and allow combining visual data of objects from different areas of the project. Graphs are dynamically updated with every simulation run.

You can create a graph by right-clicking on the User Graph node of the Tree View in the Graphs window, or using the Graph Send to User Graph > New User Graph option in the context menu of an existing graph. To add curves to an existing user graph, you can drag-and-drop them onto the user graph node, or again use the Graph Send to User Graph option. You can do this with simulation graphs, result graphs and also with timeline events in the In Last Simulation tab (Schedule) of the Schedule.

User graphs can be managed from the Graphs window, where they have separate nodes under User Graphs. They are saved as part of the current project. The have the same operation options as any other PetroVR graph, plus a set of viewing options specific to them.

The curve sent to a user graph is that corresponding to the last simulation run. Changes made to the model after that will not be reflected until the project is simulated again. If the curve corresponds to an object that no longer exists, PetroVR will not send the curve to the user graph.

Conversely, when you delete an object, any user graph curves belonging to it will remain until the next simulation run, but grayed out.

Both deterministic and probabilistic results can be sent to a user-defined graph. Probabilistic results send only a curve with mean values.

User-defined graphs created from a scenario are saved in the base project rather than associated with the scenario, and will be available in all scenarios. The Change System made to these graphs will also be saved in change logs as belonging to the base project.

It is possible to export stacked curves to a user graph. However, stacking information is preserved only when stacked curves are exported at the same time, i.e. in a single operation.

User Graph Options

Right-clicking on a performance curve in a user-defined graph enables the following display options:

Edit Edit: Change the format and style of the performance curves in user-defined graphs can be displayed in any of the following formats are available:

  • Point Point: Unlinked markers. Change the shape, size, and fill & border color and transparency level of the marker.
  • Line Line: Same as Point, adding a straight line between the markers. Change also the style, width, color and transparency level of the line.
  • Curve Curve: Similar to Line, with markers linked by a curved line.
  • Area Area: Similar to Line, without markers and coloring the area below. Change the color, fill style and transparency of the area.
  • Column Column: Columns without markers. Change the format of the line and the fill type, color and transparency of the column area.
  • StepStep: Stepped line without markers. Change the format of the line.
  • Step area Step area: Similar to Step, coloring the area below the line. Change the format of the line and the fill type, color and transparency of the filled area.

Arrange: Move the curve forward or backward, to the front or the back of the graph.

Stack on: Stack the performance curve on another curve of the same type (i.e., one that uses the same unit). Note that, unlike built-in PetroVR graphs, you can select a set of curves to be stacked rather than all the curves shown.

Rename: Change the name of the curve to be shown in the list.