Performance Groups
Performance groups are groups of wells that share all details concerning performance type and definition. There are six kinds of performance groups, depending on the kinds of wells that can be added to them:

Each group kind will offer the Performance types that apply to the selected kind.
Group wells by tabular performance: Find wells with identical tabular performances and group them, creating new groups if necessary. This options only appears when there are wells that can be so grouped. Use this option especially when importing well data from external sources, since wells data are always imported separately.
Selectable Well Performance Groups
Selectable performance means the possibility to define several alternative performances for the same group and a criterion for choosing between them, typically depending on a probability distribution. For example, you can model a 10% probability for aquifer support by creating a Selectable well performance which includes an "Aquifer support decline" with a 10% probability and a "Non-aquifer support decline" with a 90% probability.
Selectable performance groups can only be created from the Well Groups node, not in the Well Performance Tab like other performance types. You can right-click on the Performance Groups node, click on Add Selectable Performance Group from and select an existing group, or right-click on a performance group to create a selectable performance group from it. The new selectable group will have the selected performance as first member, but you must add at least one more to complete the group. You can also create a function which determines which well performance is selected.
- Decline Selector: This value will be used to decide which row in the Selectable declines table will be used. Define a probability distribution for this input to vary the value in a Monte Carlo simulation.
- Selectable declines: Add rows for the possible declines. Only already defined performance groups of the required kind can be added.